Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dried Seaweed and Electrical Tape

rice roll shaped in triangles or nigiri

dried seaweed
My daughter and her two male friends were having a discussion about food this weekend over our dinner table. My daughter serve them wafer rolls, cheese biscuits and chocolate. One guy was lactose intolerant so he had to read the ingredients really hard at the packets. He can't have any of those food, but he can't help it and still ate a minimal portion and He said that it was so good. Food discussions led to a Japanese cooking show that my daughter's boyfriends saw on tv. My daughter is familiar with Japanese food. I serve some at home and they like it But her friends are not so particular about Japanese food stuff and I heard one guy said something like, he likes a rice shaped into triangle with some fish filling inside and then wrap with a thing which looked like an electrical tape. Heard my daughter say, "Hahahaha you call it nori or Japanese dried seaweed!"

Funny how he compared nori to an electrical tape. I wonder how he would compare Japanese curry rice topping with?

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